RISK – a story

RISK – a story


British Antartic explorer Sir Ernest Shackelton placed this recruiting advertisement in the London papers in 1914 in anticipation of an expedition to the last unexplored continent – Antartica.  Their goal: to traverse the unmapped interior. Their route: to pass the South Pole on their way to the unknown.

They never made it.

“Men wanted for hazardous journey. Low wages, bitter cold, long hours of complete darkness. Safe return doubtful. Honour and recognition in event of success.”








After his ship,The Endurance, was crushed by pack ice in 1914, stranding his Imperial Trans-Antarctic Expedition beyond hope of radio or rescue, Shackleton led twenty-seven men on a nearly two-year journey across shifting ice floes, treacherous oceans, and uninhabited island edges, culminating not only in a near-suicidal 800-mile lifeboat journey across the roughest seas in the world, but an impromptu, inexperienced traverse of an uncharted and glacier-ridden mountain range.

He returned everyone under his care alive in 1917.


Risk is the DNA of every man, put there by God and for God. You may have misplaced it, neglected it, misused it but it is time to get it back. It is time to get your heart back. It is time to do something great for God with it right now.

Men and young men – God is calling you into an adventure. It involves risk. It involves challenge. Pride must be left behind. Sacrifice will be required. It will not be easy and you will be a target of the Enemy.

Everything else pales in comparison to the calling God has for you. Step into the risk with other brothers. We invite you to be a part of the journey as we risk it all for Jesus. The mountains that we hike, the rivers that we ride and the trails that we bike involve real risk.

But the deep risk that you will experience at Peak Challenge is the risk of letting it all ride for Jesus – living a life of mission for Him and bringing others along.

 Mark 8:35  – “For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me and for the gospel will save it”

Risk it.

Save it.



About The Author


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