
RISK – a story

RISK. British Antartic explorer Sir Ernest Shackelton placed this recruiting advertisement in the London papers in 1914 in anticipation of an expedition to the last unexplored continent – Antartica.  Their goal: to traverse the unmapped interior. Their route: to pass the South Pole on their way to the unknown. They never made it. “Men wanted for hazardous journey. […]

A look back at Peak Challenge 2012

Nine months removed from Peak Challenge but still thankful for what God showed many men out in Colorado in July of 2012. Reject Passivity. Accept Responsibility. Lead Courageously. Expect God’s greater rewards. Set your hearts free. Men – we pray that you are following the Holy Spirit’s lead in living this out daily. Stay connected […]

Peak Challenge – Purpose/Vision/Mission

 Peak Challenge    Adventure. Risk. Passion. Spirit. Heart. Men desire to be a part of something that is bigger than themselves. They want to be  a part of the Bigger Story… and to live as sons of the Heavenly Father. They want a transformation of the heart.  They want to know whether they have what […]

Peak Challenge – Its Future

    Since 2006, men and young men from all walks of life and from all parts of the country and the world have come to experience Peak Challenge. What we have seen God do over these six years is a miracle. The Holy Spirit has guided men to release their hearts and come to […]