Peak Challenge 2012 was a Great Adventure!

Peak Challenge 2012 was a Great Adventure!

The Great Adventure God’s redemptive mission to rescue the world.

 Thanks men for being a part of Peak Challenge this year. We saw a lot, ate a lot, had a lot of fun and were in the presence of the Holy Spirit a lot as we worshipped, heard messages and shared conversations with each other.

We pray that you not only think back upon this time in the months ahead, but that you take steps to move forward in the days coming reject passivity, accept responsibility, lead courageously and expect God’s greater rewards. You all are on the front line as image bearers of God, leading spouses, families, neighbors, churches and communities on a discipling path so that more people can come to know, love and follow Jesus Christ – that His Kingdom may be advanced.

Live the Great Adventure in the W’s: Who am I? Why am I here? Where am I going?

Take to heart the challenge to be Invitational. The challenge to be Missional. The challenge to know that God can be trusted. Go change your worlds.

A few follow up notes are below. Pray for us as we begin to contemplate Peak Challenge 2013 and all that goes into it. With the influx of numbers, there are new challenges in terms of location/size of group/logistics/emergency plans/small group times and many other aspects. We will be working hard this next year to improve on things and make some hard assessments about the experience. Remember…. it is just that – an experience that is not overly structured. God has blessed that and we continue to seek His will in all of this.

Facebook/Twitter: If you are on Facebook – you can search for and like the “Peak Challenge” page and the “Band of Brothers Network” page. We have begun to share photos and videos out there. Links to both are on the website that we will soon be updating.

Peak Challenge Team: So many guys to thank that are on the Peak Challenge Experience Team that I will forget someone for sure. Thanks to you leaders from Omaha and Kansas City! We missed the Sunday closing session this year but look forward to a great one in 2013. Special notes of thanks to Frank Stiner as the go to “campmaster”… Jack Hausman as our whitewater stud… Greg Oliva and Pastor Leroy Gerner for making the Holy Smoker come alive with fantastic meat… KC men for setting up the tent… all of the speakers at the sessions on Friday and Saturday nights…. David LeFevre and Ashely Powell as the “sweepers” on the mountain on Sunday…. those men that made their way back up the trail on Sunday afternoon… thank you. Our team will be expanding next year and we may be contacting some of you to step up and take on some roles.

Stories/Testimonies: Every year, we ask for stories or testimonies that come out of Peak Challenge. The Holy Spirit never ceases to amaze. If you have something that you want to share – please send it to us. It is so important that we all hear about these stories and what God did in people’e lives to advance his people.

Photos/Video – If you could, it would be great to get some other photos from you all. One way is to get your photos onto a CD and send us a copy. Send it to Band of Brothers at the King of Kings Church address – 11615 I Street, Omaha, Nebraska 68137. We have a DropBox account and we have a Flickr account, but are looking into other possibilities. We will let you know soon what we will do and where you can go to upload images that can be shared with others and on our website.

Steps Forward: If your church does not have a ministry to men or it is struggling – contact us. If you want to get some guys in your community going on being real Great Adventurers – contact us. Band of Brothers Network has some resources and a ministry framework that we would like to freely share with you in order for you to build up strong men of God in your locations.

For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith —and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—  not by works, so that no one can boast.  For we are God’s masterpiece, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. Ephesians 2:8-10




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