Peak Challenge – Legacies
Men love to tell stories.
We enjoy elaborating a bit on a story… giving it life as it has aged well over the years like a fine wine.
We like to add a bit of spice to the tale to make it come alive.
An opportunity awaits this summer for you to experience real life stories and live them yourselves. You do not need to add spice to it… God will do that for you.
Peak Challenge is a perfect time to bring a son or other young man 13 years of age or older to not only hear great stories of redemption, transformation and grace, but to see stories lived out in real time and to experience Biblical manhood that cannot be bottled and corked. Peak Challenge is the context of the story and God is the author.
Young men need to see faith lived and modeled in those that have gone before them. By no means are the men that come to Peak Challenge perfect. Far from it. But God does something special when men and mountains meet…
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