Peak Challenge – Its Future

Peak Challenge – Its Future



Since 2006, men and young men from all walks of life and from all parts of the country and the world have come to experience Peak Challenge. What we have seen God do over these six years is a miracle. The Holy Spirit has guided men to release their hearts and come to live out the first and greatest commandment – to love God with all of their heart, with all of their soul and with all of their mind. What men leave with at Peak Challenge is not some new seminar materials that will go into a binder and gather dust. Instead, they have a renewed heart, soul and mind and are actively rejecting passivity and putting the passion, spirit, adventure and risk that they acquired into their families, their friends, the co-workers and their neighbors – boldly sharing Jesus with the world!

2011 was a special year, as we saw 130 men join us from more than 25 churches and more than 17 states, including two men who are on the missionary field in China. A core group of 25 men took a 14 year old boy with cerebral palsy on a stretcher to the top of a 14,000 foot peak. It is very difficult to hike a 14,000 foot peak by yourself, let alone carry someone else up it. We also saw God work wonders through an adult baptism at camp on a star light night. We saw men exhibit and model Biblical manhood. We saw men and young men experience that for the first time. We simply saw God at work all throughout the weekend.

As our numbers get larger and larger, we thank God for the opportunity to minister, mentor, train and release these men and young men. We seek opportunities to bring men into an even deeper and more focused understanding of the calling that God has on their lives. We look for even more opportunities to invite men that may not know Jesus to come experience Peak Challenge. We rely on your word of mouth to tell others and to help advance the Kingdom.

[highlight color=”yellow, black”]2012 information![/highlight]

We have selected a date and a location for Peak Challenge 2012! 

 Peak Challenge 2012 will happen on July 26-30, 2012. We have secured the Lakeview group campground near Twin Lakes (just south of Leadville). We are excited to be so close to the Collegiate Peaks, to Leadville, whitewater rafting in Buena Vista and hundreds of miles of mountainbiking trails in the Sawatch Range.


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