
Peak Challenge


 Adventure. Risk. Passion. Spirit. Heart.

Men and young men desire to be a part of something that is bigger than themselves. They want to be  a part of the Bigger Story… and to live as sons of the Heavenly Father. They want a transformation of the heart.

They want to know whether they have what it takes and whether they have the heart of God within them that calls them into the battlefield to fight for the ones that they love.

Some men have never had fathers. Others have had silent or abusive fathers. But there is a Heavenly Father that is always chasing after us, just as  the father in the prodigal son parable did. A Father that chose us and has prepared good works in advance for us to do.

Peak Challenge is an annual opportunity for men, their sons, fathers, brothers and friends to get away from the trappings in life and to experience all that God has for them in a wild setting – the mountains of Colorado. This is not a “retreat” but rather a wilderness advance of men who seek to experience God in a way that will resonate deep within their souls and change their hearts with a new or renewed orientation. When God has men in the setting of His creation – when they get a chance to be humbled by the immense size of His mountains and the power of His rivers – it transforms men.

God is calling men in the Body of Christ to stand up and lead their families, their churches and their communities in strong and bold ways for Jesus Christ. Men need to connect and develop strong bonds of friendship, brotherhood and camaraderie amongst each other in order to work together to advance the Kingdom. A wilderness experience provides that.

Over the past eight years, Peak Challenge has provided opportunities for men to see authentic Biblical manhood in action and to take with them tools and resources in which to build up and lead their band of brothers upon returning to their home towns and cities. Men will see the importance of leaving a legacy for their families, will recognize the important calling that God has on their lives and will gain a better understanding of the need for men to take hold of the disciplines of faith and to live their lives boldly for Jesus Christ.

Men will be challenged physically while in Colorado, whether it be hiking 14,000 foot peaks, biking or whitewater rafting. But more importantly, men will be challenged spiritually to engage in the battle like never before, as they will see what is at stake.

Jesus Christ paid the ultimate price for us and through his life, death and resurrection, the victory has been won! But men of God know that while we are here on this earth, God has a place for us, a battle to engage in and loved ones to fight for. Peak Challenge will equip men to actively engage in this battle  and will encourage and challenge them to share it with other men within their sphere of influence.

Peak Challenge is a chapter in the journey of a man’s life that can bring real transformation, through the workings of the Holy Spirit, to send a man on a different trajectory that can influence lives for decades to come.

Peak Challenge is calling you in 2014.


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